The Apple of the Ruthless CEOā€™s Eye: My Sweet Wife Is so Adorable - C.840 - : A Womanā€™s Jealousy and Scheming (2)

The Apple of the Ruthless CEOā€™s Eye: My Sweet Wife Is so Adorable

C.840 - : A Womanā€™s Jealousy and Scheming (2)

Chapter 840: A Womanā€™s Jealousy and Scheming (2)

Ji Lan choked until her face turned green and white. This Qiao Mu was really sharp-tongued, making her want to go up and tear that mouth apart!

Ning Tongtong incited, ā€ Miss Ji, this Qiao Mu is best at talking. Otherwise, she wouldnā€™t have snatched someone elseā€™s fiancĆ©!ā€œ

Ning Tongtong deliberately emphasized the word ā€˜fiancĆ©ā€™ as she observed Qiao Mu and Ji Lanā€™s reactions.

Ji Lan raised her chin and shot Qiao Mu a disdainful glance. ā€ Then she can snatch it away too! ā€

She looked exactly like Li Yanā€™s fiancĆ©e.

Ning Tongtong looked at Qiao Mu as if she was watching a good show. Indeed, she was right to invite Ji Lan to attend Fashion Week. With her official fiancƩe around, how could Qiao Mu be arrogant?!

Ning Tongtong said calmly, ā€ Miss Ji is right. How can a lover rise to the top? Of course, he canā€™t be compared to you, his official fiancĆ©e. Li Yan has only acknowledged you as his fiancĆ©e. The others canā€™t be compared to him. ā€

After she said this, a hint of pride flashed in Ji Lanā€™s eyes. It seemed that the scandal was still very helpful to her.

After Ning Tongtong said that, someone suddenly said,ā€ Aiya, I was wondering why she looked familiar. Iā€™ve seen this woman in a magazine before. Sheā€™s Li Yanā€™s fiancĆ©e who had a scandal with him! ā€

ā€œLi Yanā€¦The CEO of LSAE? Can it be true that thereā€™s a scandal?ā€

This chapter is updated by freēwē

ā€ Itā€™s not the first time. Li Yan didnā€™t deny it. Iā€™m sure itā€™s true. ā€

ā€œOh my god, this woman is so lucky.ā€

Li Yan had always been overseas, so there was almost no socialite who did not know about him, especially those celebrities who wanted to rely on men to get to the top. They would definitely know such a powerful, tall, rich, and handsome man.

This was an occasion where a low-status celebrity would fawn over a high-status celebrity. Ji Lan, who was originally unknown, suddenly became the center of attention.

Ji Lan felt that his aura had changed in an instant. He raised his chin and accepted the envious comments of others while he shot Qiao Mu a contemptuous glance.

Qiao Mu looked at Ji Lan as if she was watching a joke. It was clearly something that did not exist, yet she really treated her as Li Yanā€™s fiancĆ©e?

Did this kind of woman know what shame was?

Ji Lan said, ā€ Could it be that Designer Qiao has something against me? ā€

Qiao Mu sneered. ā€ Miss Ji, are you really Li Yanā€™s fiancĆ©e? Who could be sure that Li Yan had admitted it? If you let everyone think that youā€™re Li Yanā€™s fiancĆ©e, when they find out that youā€™re not, donā€™t slap yourself in the face.ā€

Before Ji Lan could speak, Ning Tongtong gloated. ā€ Qiao Mu, youā€™ve been hit so hard that you canā€™t accept the truth, right? ā€

Ji Lan took a step forward and approached Qiao Mu. In a voice that only the two of them could hear, he said softly, ā€œā€Do you think that Iā€™m directing and acting? Qiao Mu, I donā€™t have the confidence, so how can I not deny it? The night before I came to Paris, I was with Li Yan. Even if Iā€™m not his fiancĆ©e yet, I will be one day!ā€

Qiao Mu raised an eyebrow. ā€ Do you think Iā€™ll believe you? ā€

ā€œItā€™s inevitable that you canā€™t accept the truth. That night, Li Yan and I left the Glorious Dark Night and spent the night at the hotel. You donā€™t know, but Li Yan drank a little that night and was really crazy. It was the first time I felt his sexiness. When I think about it, I canā€™t bear to part with him. I think you know how charming he is, right?ā€

Ji Lan covered her mouth and laughed arrogantly as if she had taken advantage of him. She was very happy.

