The Extreme Alchemist of the Mighty Cauldron - C.261 - : Feng Qianqiu’s Apprehension

The Extreme Alchemist of the Mighty Cauldron

C.261 - : Feng Qianqiu’s Apprehension

Chapter 261: Chapter 261: Feng Qianqiu’s Apprehension

Translator: 549690339

Both Fang Lin’s grand, and the man in black were startled when they saw Feng Qianqiu flying over from above, especially the man in black, who’s exposed eyes reflected deep trepidation.

Upon spotting this chance, Fang Lin immediately shouted to Feng Qianqiu, “Elder, I hope you can step in and dispose of this man!”

Hearing this, the man in black retreated even further, utterly panic-stricken.

Feng Qianqiu, taken aback at Fang Lin’s sudden outcry, regarded the man in black robes from the Hidden Kill Hall with amusement. He gave a hearty laugh and flew straight over their heads showing no intention of intervening.

Fang Lin darkened, realizing that Feng Qianqiu was unreliable. Feng Qianqiu clearly regarded them merely as disposable scouts. He was indifferent to their plight.

Seeing that Feng Qianqiu did not intervene, the man in black exhaled in relief and once again launched his assault on the three.

The three had no choice but to continue their desperate fight.

Despite the black-robed man’s formidable strength and his higher realm, Fang Lin, Qing Jianzi, and Yang Pojun fought with fervor, giving their all as if their lives depended on it.

Fang Lin was no exception. As he swung his enormous bone club, he also pulled out a jade bottle from the Nine Palace Bag and smashed it directly at the man in black.

A large cloud of purple smoke instantly spread around, carrying a rancid smell. The look on the man in black’s face changed drastically, and he immediately rushed out of the purple smoke.

The smoke had no effect on Fang Lin and his group as they had already ingested detoxification pills. However, the black-robed man wasn’t so lucky. Despite his swift reaction, a small amount of the purple smoke was inhaled.

“Damn it!” He felt dizzy, his vision blurry, and his body felt unsettlingly lightheaded.

Kick them while they’re down!

Fang Lin and his friends roared as they charged towards him, looking very much like valiant heroes taking advantage of an enemy’s weaknesses.

Despite his injuries, the black-robed man managed to hold his ground initially, but as his vision blurred even more and his head began to throb, his movements slowed.


Qing Jianzi’s sword pierced through the man’s shoulder, spewing blood.

Then Yang Pojun’s spear plunged into the man’s abdomen.

Fang Lin swung his giant bone club, smashing it directly at the man’s head.

The black-robed man suffered severe injuries, spurting blood as he was knocked backwards. Despite this, he retained consciousness, and managed to throw an object while falling backward.


A terrifying wave of energy swept across them. Seeing the danger, the three men retreated, but the force from the strike knocked them off their feet.

Cough, cough, cough.

All three coughed up blood, looking pale and somewhat disheveled, but fortunately, their injuries were not severe.

However, the man in black used this opportunity to escape into the depths of the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard. Despite his severe injuries, his Ninth Layer of the Earth Element could keep him alive for a while longer.

The three got up from the ground, Fang Lin gave them healing pills and took one himself. He stared at Gu Hanshan who had managed to escape quite far, and at the staggering black-robed man, his eyes filled with cold determination.

“Chase!” said Fang Lin. Without any objections from Qing Jianzi and Yang Pojun, they were off again. Their condition was still satisfactory, and if they could catch up to the black-robed man, they were confident they could kill him.

This led to a strange scene in the Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard.

Gu Hanshan was gritting his teeth and fleeing in front while not far behind him, a black-robed man clutching his abdomen and staggering with every step, leaving behind a trail of bloody footprints.

Above them was Feng Qianqiu, flying casually and showing no urgency to get deeper into the graveyard, seemingly watching something unfold.

Next, came the trio pursuing them spiritedly, despite their dishevelled appearance, their energy hadn’t waned.

What was even more peculiar was a walking man-sized ginseng leisurely strolling not far from them, not straying too far from the trio, as if mocking them.

Right at the end was a group of people struggling to walk, each step proving difficult for them.

Feng Qianqiu’s eyes were shimmering, his eyes focused on the people below, particularly the black-robed man, a hint of murderous intent was hiding behind his gaze.

“Hidden Kill Hall members appearing here might affect my plans. I wonder how many of them have come. If it’s just one, killing him won’t be a big deal. But, if there are more hiding, killing him could stir up a storm. It’s not worth it,” thought Feng Qianqiu.

Although it seemed Feng Qianqiu held sway over Qian Country and played the three major influences like marionettes, it was only because there weren’t many powerful people who could suppress him there.

In fact, having travelled extensively across the Nine Countries, Feng Qianqiu was fully aware and a little intimidated by the power of the Hidden Kill Hall.

If the most powerful force in the Nine Countries were the Great Qin Dynasty and the Pill Alliance, then the most terrifying power in the dark was the Hidden Kill Hall.

There was even a common saying: better to offend the Pill Alliance than the Hidden Kill Hall.

If you upset the Pill Alliance, they might simply ostracize you, refuse to provide any pills or Pill Refiners.

But if you upset the Hidden Kill Hall, they would send assassins to harass and try to kill you incessantly.

Once, in one of the Upper Three Countries, a rising Sect discovered a Hidden Kill Hall’s secret base, eradicated it, and arrogantly claimed that the Hall was nothing to fear, just a bunch of wretched, uncultured savages.

The result? In less than a month, the Sect Master was besieged and cruelly killed by assassins from the Hall, and their high-ranking members were almost exterminated. The Sect declined from there.

No one knew exactly how many people were in the Hidden Kill Hall or how powerful they were. That’s why even reckless renegades like Feng Qianqiu preferred not to provoke the Hidden Kill Hall if they could avoid it.

Moreover, in the eerie Ten Thousand Beast Graveyard, Feng Qianqiu’s power was greatly affected. If he used too much power, he could quickly invoke the hostility and attacks of the Graveyard.

“Hm? In here after all!” Feng Qianqiu was suddenly serious, staring intently at the scene unfolding in front of him.

Below, Gu Hanshan, despite struggling under the horrifying Demon Qi, was overjoyed and excited upon seeing the events unfolding in front of him.

“That is…” Fang Lin and his friends also spotted the item that had emerged in front of them, and their pupils contracted gravely.

